Main Title


hello there and welcome to the intro! im pretty bad at introductions honestly but yknow i might aswell. my names kiki (not really) but i go by T.V. (last name initials!) id like to think of myself as pretty well versed in internet history lore. i like diving into old forums and archives and watching video essays on the subject. i also like emulating old nintendo & playstation games on my computer and playing zelda games on my 3DS. unfortunately my 3DS is just like str8 up broken right now so i cant really play anything on it anymore but im hoping to either get it fixed or buy a new one soon. (leaning towards getting it fixed since it means quite a lot to me and ive had it for ages, also i dont really have enough money)

one of my favorite video game franchises ever is silent hill. it completely changed my brain chemistry the first time i played the first game and it was basically a gateway drug into the survival horror genre which is now one of my favorites! along with dungeoncrawlers and denpa visual novels. there was a point in time where i would nonstop listen to the silent hill two soundtrack on repeat for days on end. akira yamaoka crafted the perfect horror ambiance in the music, its super immersive.

im also really into music. i spend hours curating and making playlists based around specific things, like i have a cringe winter playlist full of midwest emo and ambient post rock stuff. my favorite genres are skramz, emo, hardcore, shoegaze, stoner and sludge metal and a bunch of other stupid niche genres i dont even know the names of. i dont really try to restrict myself to one singular genre i just listen to whatever sounds the nicest to me (which all turn out to be somewhat related to each other in one way or another.) i have my mother to thank for the music i listen to because despite being a full blown hippie she loves metal and opened my eyes to it. literally can't live without music.

i have like a million skills that remain unhoned. jack of all trades master of none kinda deal. some of these include sewing, saxophone, bass, cooking, baking, painting, drawing, writing, coding, and probably some other stuff im forgetting. like being super awesome at speed run 4 on roblox. im really into fashion and its history. ive been trying to improve my wardrobe 4 ages. one thing id love to learn to do and get somewhat decent at before i leave this mortal coil is bobbin lace. its very intricate and interesting and i just love it.

i love art with my whole entire heart. just the idea of human expression, being able to put all your thoughts and feelings, whether they be your own or relating to a certain topic you're passionate about. its beautiful (and scary sometimes,) seeing what the human mind can create. also watching the sense of community certain things bring, like music and fashion subcultures or things like graffiti with historical meanings. art is so important, it makes us human. :3